Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fundamental International Relation Theory Issues Essay

Fundamental International Relation Theory Issues - Essay Example Class, in these terms, is the way economic power is distributed when economic activity is organized in an instrumentally-rational manner to the greatest degree. The problem of exploitation the extraction of labor effort from workers are treated, in this framework, primarily as a problem of technical efficiency and economic rationality in creating work incentives and effective discipline. This leads to a relatively impoverished conception of the nature of antagonistic interests generated by class relations. Key readings from Marx ("The Communist Manifesto" and "On Classes") help us understand the sociological analyses of inequality in the concepts of social class, exploitation, surplus value, markets, status, and power. (Dell, 227-9) The importance of production relations in Marxian theory with beliefs that the economic exchange is a positive-sum game and its emphasis on market relations could be a key prospect in understanding the basic or fundamental influence on modern European society. It could well be suggested that both property and market dynamics are important by relating each to the concepts of class composition. The basic concept may be incorporated into positive-sum game's emphasis on social closure to more clearly differentiate social classes which could develop into a model of the class structure, usefully differentiates relational and gradational conceptualizations of social class, and re-visits some key differences between Marxian and positive-sum game theory. But the end goal being the evaluation of Marxian and positive-sum game theory in the perspective of the modern society it could be well punctuated that the basic relevance of these perceptions are present even today but not necessarily in a visible manner. The insights of Marx and positive-sum game remain integral to sociological analyses of inequality even as more recent scholarship has promoted more contextual, and some would say more nuanced, models. (Fletcher, 63)Â  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Social Causes Of Poverty Sociology Essay

Social Causes Of Poverty Sociology Essay Although many people blame poverty on the poor, social attributes have increased this issue significantly. Social causes of poverty consist of lack of education, the family, too low of wages, immigration, and minimal job opportunities. In nearly every society today the male is the dominant figure over the females and whites are believed to be dominant over all other races. A persons sex or race fall into play in every one of the social causes of poverty. According to Alex Thio, poverty is usually measured in two different ways absolute or relative poverty. Absolute poverty is the lack of minimum food and shelter necessary for maintaining life. Relative poverty is a state of deprivation resulting from having less than the majority of the people have. The widely accepted definition of poverty is those who earn less than half of the nations median income are poor because they lack what is considered to be needed by most people to live a decent life.  [1]   The more education an individual has the more money that individual makes. Ron Haskings states that in 2009, the difference in median family income between families headed by an individual who dropped out of high school and families headed by an individual with a bachelors degree or higher was about $68,600.  [2]  Making it through college and earning that highly wanted bachelors degree may just depend on how wealthy a persons family is or what race that person is. Haskins says that over eighty percent of white students will graduate college while only about sixty five of black and Hispanic students will graduate. Seventy nine percent of students, whose parents are within the upper class, would enroll in college and fifty three percent of that group would end up earning a four-year college degree. Only thirty four percent of students, whose parents in the bottom income classes, would enroll in college. Eleven percent of those students would end up receiving a four-year degree.  [3]  Kids whose family earns less money are more likely to not attend college and will more than likely remain under the poverty line due to lack of education. Some students just do not have the intellectual ability to make it through college making them only attain a high school diploma. Anup Shah says out of the nearly 2 billion children in the world one billion of them are living in poverty.  [4]  Single parent families are more likely than two parent families to be living in poverty. Ron Haskins states that in 2009, the poverty rate for children in married-couple families was 11.0 percent. By contrast, the poverty rate for children in female-headed families was 44.3 percent.  [5]  Divorce is very common in the United States and a lot of the times those individuals will not remarry. Alex Thio says poverty affects women more than men called the feminization of poverty. Women are now more likely to be heading a household while taking care of children. Women also live longer than men contributing to older widows living in poverty.  [6]  Having children while not married has increased significantly in the past decade. According to Jay Wesley Richards children born and raised outside marriage are nearly seven times more likely to live in poverty than childre n born to and raised by a married couple.  [7]  If marriage rates would increase, divorce rates decrease, and unwedded child bearing decrease children living in poverty would decrease significantly. The only way to avoid poverty for most individuals is to work. Work is limited though with the large overpopulation due to immigration and families having more children. Even if any individual does manage to find a job most likely the pay will be minimum wage. Ron Haskins says that working at eight dollars and hour for 35 hours a week year round, a person would earn $14,560, $2,145 under the poverty level for a family of three.  [8]  The only way a single parent working at minimum wage taking care of two children to get out of poverty would to be raise the minimum wage just enough to be right at the poverty line or above it. Wages and work however, are not fair for all races and sexes though. Alex Thio says men can escape poverty by getting a job, but women cannot escape poverty. Women are likely to get paid less than males and hold lower status jobs. An answer for this is because society has socialized women to be wives and mothers.  [9]  If a male and a female held the same job the male would end up getting paid more just because he is a male even though they both have the same education and qualifications. In the United States society has impeded that whites are dominant and every other race is inferior. Races besides white also have issues in earning jobs and a fair amount of pay. Some employers will not hire workers because of their race or pay them a less amount due to their skin color. In Sociology: A Brief Introduction Alex Thio says society creates and maintains poverty. Poverty is what allows societys dirty work to be done. Without some dirty jobs businesses could not function such as washing dishes, hauling garbage, or cleaning. Higher paid employers would not complete these tasks and that is why they are left for the poor people of society. Affluent business people and professionals are able to achieve their career goals with the help of poor people working as maids and servants. Poverty also creates several jobs such as social workers and other professionals who serve the poor. Without poor people several people would be out of jobs and more people would be in poverty.  [10]   The United States is the number one nation that immigrants come to. Ron Haskins says that a large number of immigrants have less than a ninth grade education.  [11]  This lack of education among immigrants causes nearly all immigrants to only hold minimum paying jobs, not letting them earn enough money to lick properly and stay above the poverty line. Haskins proclaims that the poverty rate among immigrants is higher than the poverty rate among native-born Americans. In 2009, the immigrant poverty rate was 19.0 percent as compared with 13.7 percent for native-born Americans. Given that the overall poverty rate for the nation was 14.3 percent, the poverty rate would be lower by about 0.6 percentage points (or around 1.9 million people) if the immigrant poverty rate were the same as the poverty rate for native-born citizens.  [12]  Some immigrants may take jobs from Native born Americans, but the majority will not take jobs. Immigrants will have lower status and lower paying jo bs due to their lack of education and their race. The three sociological perspectives on stratification stated by Alex Theo are the following: the functionalist perspective says the more rewarding a position is, the more motivated people are to work hard to acquire the education and skills it requires, conflict perspective says stratification limits opportunities for the underprivileged, preserves injustices, and provokes unrest, and the symbolic interactionist perspective says in their interactions, higher-status people show off their power while lower-status ones appear polite or respectful.  [13]   Despite poverty allowing societys dirty work to be done, helping the affluent workers reach their career goals, and creating several jobs the social causes of poverty outweigh the positive effects. People with blame poverty on the poor even though the poor are not against working and are not lazy. The social aspect of poverty is the true reason of why there is poverty in the world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Freud :: Essays Papers

Freud The theories of Sigmund Freud were advanced and are very influential to modern society. This Austrian physician and neurologist is commonly considered as having one of the greatest creative minds of recent times. Throughout his entire childhood Freud had been planning a career in law. Not long before he entered the University of Vienna in 1873 Freud decided to become a medical student. In school he met a boy that was much older than him. Looking up to him and respecting his thoughts, Freud developed a wish to study law as this older student did, and interact in social activities. Also at this time Freud was interested in the theories of Charles Darwin. He heard Goethe's beautiful essay on nature read aloud and that made him decide to become a medical student.2 He was drawn to a study of science and he wanted to solve problems facing the scientists of his day.3 His intention was not to be a conventional doctor but pressed by his "greed for knowledge," he studied philosophical-scientific questions.4 One of the scientists he studied he studied with was a French psychiatrist named Jean Martin Charcot who was the director of a mental hospital. Freud was impressed a great deal while he was with Charcot. He took a lot of interest in his latest investigations upon hysteria. Charcot's demonstrations provoked in many people a sense of astonishment and skepticism.5 Charcot's influence channeled Freud's interest toward psychopathology. He was Freud's model and had an insatiable willingness to see and listen.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dysfunctional Organizations Are Like Dysfunctional Families

Quality, timing, and cost will all usually be less favorable than planned. Projects will be routinely delayed, costs will routinely be revised upward, quality will be at risk of being forgotten in the quest for profitability and timeliness, products will be at risk of many and/or severe defects, and customer satisfaction will lag behind more capable and less dysfunctional competitors. Similarly, a dysfunctional family will have parallel problems with achieving its goals.An imbalance of power is a frequent cause of dysfunction in families. Imagine: a family with several children embarks on a big project, a trip to Ocracoke Island, for xample. If one child is more demanding, needy, or otherwise exceptional, and the family has developed a dysfunctional behavior pattern centered on that child, things will be disrupted and plans will not work out. The child may have to stop at every rest stop, and take a long time getting back into the car, delaying progress on the trip.The father may kno w the ferry schedule for getting to the island, and know when the family needs to be at the dock, but he may not be able to change the child's behavior, nor the behavior of the mother who caters too much to the demanding child. Random and unanticipated delays caused by the child, who has no understanding of the constraints the father faces, make them late and they miss the ferry, incurring additional cost of a night's stay on the mainland. An imbalance of power is also a problem for large companies.I have worked for companies in which one top manager or one function, product styling, for example, can cause a nearly-perfect parallel to the dysfunctional family. The product styling group knows when they need to finish the design, but their Job is to make the product look attractive, and they have so any people involved, from multiple levels of the organization, that they can't get it done on time. Top managers come through the studio to look at the new design, but, many having been en gineers and designers in the past, they each see something they feel needs to be changed.Since they don't come through the studio until the design is supposed to be nearly complete, their suggestions set back the design process, and the design is late. The engineers who have to integrate the design with functional parts are left to play â€Å"catch-up† with their designs, involving late changes, vertime, and a huge amount of rework to recast financial fgures, get revised quotes from suppliers, re-time the plans, etc. , etc. The suppliers, too, have to change their plans and designs and renegotiate with their suppliers in turn, and are delayed as well.Packaging, marketing materials, sales and service training classes, and many other efforts are all set back. Even if top management is understanding and â€Å"lets well takes sa'. n. y management at the top, executives or parents, to limit dysfunctional behavior and keep things on track. In my five different careers I have seen this same asic pattern repeated over and over, becoming nothing more than the standard way of doing business for some organizations. The only mitigating force I know of is having really sa'. . y upper management who understand how such things happen and are willing to actively work to avoid them. A smart top manager can rein in the overzealous designers, for example, and understand the principles of diminishing returns and the need to understand when â€Å"roughly right† is good enough. Similarly, the skilled parent can understand the problems caused by favoring one child over nother, and carefully manage the behavior of the individuals in the family so that the familys overarching goals are met.Maybe it's Just my experience, but I have seen that such skill and savvy are all too rare. Ethnic or national culture can be a significant factor in instances of dysfunction. Interestingly, management sa'. n. y and parenting skill are heavily influenced by cultural factors. In Western cultures where there is a strong value placed on individuality, managers can acquire the â€Å"gunslinger† mentality, which makes them think they have to do everything themselves and be the best at everything.With such managers collaboration and communication can suffer and, while they may be stars in their own right, the organization can suffer from the conflicts and snafus that will result. Similarly, in a strongly patriarchic culture, the father, feeling like he must be the all-knowing authority, may ignore the small child who hears the tire rumbling as it starts to go flat, and as a result miss the ferry due to a shredded tire and the time required to fix it.Organizations can become dysfunctional by promoting those who do extremely well. Some businesses promote engineers and designers who create great products to high level management ositions, and then some wonder why the organization does poorly. I have often noted that many engineers take this career direction because they don't like dealing with people, and would rather â€Å"stick their head in a machine† and make it work as nearly perfectly as possible than negotiate with other people.To take someone who, by their nature, hews to Jobs that avoid interaction with people and put them in a Job that requires excellent people skills is asking for trouble. They will not only be uncomfortable and unhappy, but they may not understand interpersonal and organizational behavior well, struggle, and not do a very good Job. At the same time, to go back to engineering would be a terrible demotion and pay cut, so they are stuck, often for decades, in a position for which they are only marginally suited.Many parents, like many executives, were never suited or well prepared for their roles. Similarly, many parents become that by accident, perhaps through lack of proper attention to contraception, or through social imperatives – older family members who lobby hard for grandchildren, for example. S ome parents had tough childhoods, for example, and never had the chance to witness good parenting as children, yet they ften find themselves responsible for a family with children and (perhaps) a spouse, and even elderly parents that need their care.In a society with little focus on or cultural knowledge around good parenting, they will be severely challenged to run a family effectively or avoid the mistakes that were perpetrated on them as children. Dysfunction tends to stick around and follow organizations and families. Thus, in creep in over time, and propagate forward from one generation or regime to the next. It is for this reason that sometimes a board of directors of a corporation will dismiss ot only a CEO but many of his reports as well, and bring in fresh management talent from outside the company to try to instill a new culture.While this is drastic and difficult in a business organization, it is even more difficult and disruptive to a family, and usually involves social service organizations and courts intervening in ways that may or may not produce better long term results for the family members. In both cases the situation must be extremely bad before such changes can be Justified, and a majority of such situations probably are never very well addressed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Role of Students in Pakistan Movement

Assignment #1 Subject: pak &Islamic studies Class: BSCS-1C Last Date: 01-10-2012. Max. Marks: 10 Instructor name: Dr. Mahboobullah Date: 17-09-2012 ———————————————————————————— Instructions: 1. The assignment is research base so general in formations will not be appreciated. 2. Do not write more than five pages. One side of the page is considered one page. 3. No such assignment will be accepted which reveals the struggle of a single person. 4.No late assignment will be accepted without unavoidable excuse. 5. No re-take of assignment. 6. Write on the following format. ——————————————————————————– Topic: Prop osed reforms in the present politics It is appreciated that the following points are discussed. 1. Definition of politics. 2. Politics with the relation of politics. 3. Politics in the golden ages of Islam. 4. The present political system. a. The leadership. b. The constitution. c. Implementation of rules and laws. d. Flaws in the constitution and legislative structure. 5.The proposed reforms. ——————— Good luck by the teacher Assignment no. 1 The topic: Name of the student: Class: Enrollment no: Assignment Date:Submission Date: Submitted to: Table of contents: Topic:page no. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Start of contents: References: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Assignment #2 Subject: pak &Islamic studies Class: BSCS-1C Time allowed: 18-10-2012. Max. Marks: 10 Instructor name: Dr. Mahboobullah Date: 27-09-2012 ———————— ———————————————————— Instructions: . The assignment is research base so general in formations will not be appreciated. 2. Do not write more than five pages. One side of the page is considered one page. 3. No such assignment will be accepted which reveals the struggle of a single person. 4. No late assignment will be accepted without unavoidable excuse. 5. No re-take of assignment. 6. Write on the following format. ——————————————————————————– Topic: Importance of morality teachings in educational institution 1. Importance of morality. 2.Emphasis of Islam on good morality. 3. Importance of good morality in curriculum. 4. The morality which should be included in educational institutions. ——————— Good luck by the teacher Assignment no. 2 The topic: Name of the student: Class: Enrollment no: Assignment Date:Submission Date: Submitted to: Table of contents: Topic:page no. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Start of contents: References: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Assignment #3 Subject: pak &Islamic studies Class: BSCS-1C Time allowed: 01-11-2012 Max.Marks: 10 Instructor name: Dr. Mahboobullah Date: 18-10-2012 ———————————————————————————— Instructions: 1. The assignment is research base so general in formations will not be appreciated. 2. Do not write more than five pages. One side of the page is considered one page. 3. No such assignment will be accepted which reveals the struggle of a single person. 4. No late assignment will be accepted without unavoidable excuse. 5. No re-take of assignment. 6.Write on the following format. —————————————————————————– — Topic: Loyalty with the family, educational institutions and your country 1. Loyalty and Islam. 2. Loyalty with the family.. 3. Loyalty with the educational institutions. 4. Loyalty with the country. ——————— Good luck by the teacher Assignment no. 3 The topic: Name of the student: Class: Enrollment no: Assignment Date:Submission Date: Submitted to: Table of contents: Topic:page no. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Start of contents:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Use The Power Of Podcasting To Increase Your Audience

How To Use The Power Of Podcasting To Increase Your Audience Podcasting: Many see it as an amazing opportunity but don’t really understand the nuts and bolts of how to begin, how it compares to other marketing channels, and how to evaluate your ROI. Today we’re going to change all that by having a great discussion with Sarah Rhea Werner, the host of the Write Now podcast. As a columnist for Forbes on the topic of podcasting, she’s definitely an authority on the topic. If you’ve ever considered podcasting, you won’t want to miss today’s episode! How and why Sarah got into podcasting. The types of opportunities Sarah has had since starting podcasting that blogging wasn’t bringing her. Audience-building advice for marketing teams and companies. Why it’s so important to create your podcast based on what your listeners like. Tips on striking a balance between providing value and marketing yourself through your podcast. Why it’s important to make sure any selling that you do on your podcast is delightful, interesting, and fun. How a podcast is both similar to and different from different marketing avenues. Some of the tactical challenges and practices of podcasting. Sarah’s best final advice for a brand who is toying with the idea of a podcast. Links: Write Now Podcast Email us a screenshot of your iTunes review! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud,  Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Sarah: â€Å"If you want to get additional readers for your blog or for your book do public speaking.† â€Å"Podcasting is a ton of work. It’s worth it, but it’s a ton of work.† â€Å"If you absolutely need to do have an ad, make sure it’s delightful, make sure it’s in line with your show and it’s in line with your message.†

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write Great Ledes for Feature Stories

How to Write Great Ledes for Feature Stories When you think of newspapers, you probably tend to focus on the hard-news stories that fill the front page. But much of the writing found in any newspaper is done in a much more feature-oriented way. Writing ledes for feature stories, as opposed to  hard-news ledes, requires a different approach. Feature Ledes vs. Hard-News Ledes Hard-news ledes need to get all the important points of the story - the who, what, where, when, why, and how - into the first sentence  or two, so that if the reader only wants the basic facts, he or she gets them quickly. The more of a news story he or she reads, the more detail he gets. Feature ledes, sometimes called delayed, narrative, or anecdotal ledes, unfold more slowly. They allow the writer to tell a story in a more traditional, sometimes chronological way. The objective is to draw the readers into the story and to make them want to read more. Setting a Scene, Painting a Picture Feature ledes often begin by setting a scene or painting a picture of a person or place. Here’s a Pulitzer Prize-winning example by Andrea Elliott of The New York Times: The young Egyptian professional could pass for any New York Bachelor. Dressed in a crisp polo shirt and swathed in Cologne, he races his Nissan Maxima through the rain-slicked streets of Manhattan, late for a date with a tall brunette. At red lights, he fusses with his hair. What sets the Bachelor apart from other young men on the make is the chaperone sitting next to him - a tall, bearded man in a white robe and stiff embroidered hat. Notice how Elliott effectively uses phrases like â€Å"crisp polo shirt† and â€Å"rain-slicked streets.† The reader doesnt yet know exactly what this article is about, but he or she is drawn into the story through these descriptive passages. Using an Anecdote Another way to begin a feature is to tell a story or an anecdote. Here’s an example by Edward Wong of The New York Times Beijing bureau: BEIJING - The first sign of trouble was powder in the baby’s urine. Then there was blood. By the time the parents took their son to the hospital, he had no urine at all. Kidney stones were the problem, doctors told the parents. The baby died on May 1 in the hospital, just two weeks after the first symptoms appeared. His name was Yi Kaixuan. He was 6 months old. The parents filed a lawsuit on Monday in the arid northwest province of Gansu, where the family lives, asking for compensation from Sanlu Group, the maker of the powdered baby formula that Kaixuan had been drinking. It seemed like a clear-cut liability case; since last month, Sanlu has been at the center of China’s biggest contaminated food crisis in years. But as in two other courts dealing with related lawsuits, judges have so far declined to hear the case. Taking Time to Tell the Story You’ll notice that both Elliott and Wong take several paragraphs to begin their stories. That’s fine - feature ledes in newspapers generally take two to four paragraphs to set a scene or convey an anecdote; magazine articles can take much longer. But pretty soon, even a feature story has to get to the point. The Nut Graph The nut graph is where the feature writer lays out for the reader exactly what the story is all about. It usually follows the first few paragraphs of the scene-setting or storytelling the writer has done. A nut graph can be a single paragraph or more. Here’s Elliott’s lede again, this time with the nut graph included: The young Egyptian professional could pass for any New York Bachelor. Dressed in a crisp polo shirt and swathed in Cologne, he races his Nissan Maxima through the rain-slicked streets of Manhattan, late for a date with a tall brunette. At red lights, he fusses with his hair. What sets the Bachelor apart from other young men on the make is the chaperone sitting next to him - a tall, bearded man in a white robe and stiff embroidered hat. I pray that Allah will bring this couple together, the man, Sheik Reda Shata, says, clutching his seat belt and urging the Bachelor to slow down. (Here is the nut graph, along with the following sentence): Christian singles meet for  coffee. Young Jews have JDate. But many Muslims believe that it is forbidden for an unmarried man and woman to meet in private. In predominantly Muslim countries, the job of making introductions and even arranging marriages typically falls to a vast network of family and friends. In Brooklyn, there is Mr. Shata. Week after week, Muslims embark on dates with him in tow. Mr. Shata, the imam of a Bay Ridge mosque, juggles some 550 marriage candidates, from a gold-toothed electrician to a professor at Columbia University. The meetings often unfold on the green velour couch of his office or over a meal at his favorite Yemeni restaurant on Atlantic Avenue. So now the reader knows – this is the story of a Brooklyn imam who helps bring young Muslim couples together for marriage. Elliott could just as easily have written the story with a hard-news lede something like this: An imam based in Brooklyn says he works as a chaperone with hundreds of young Muslims in an effort to bring them together for marriage. That’s certainly quicker. But it’s not nearly as interesting as Elliott’s descriptive, well-crafted approach. When to Use the Feature Approach When done right, feature ledes can be a joy to read. But feature ledes aren’t appropriate for every story in print or online. Hard-news ledes are generally used for breaking news  and for more important, time-sensitive stories. Feature ledes are generally used on stories that are less deadline-oriented and for those that examine issues in a more in-depth way.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

JFK’s Brain and Missing Body Parts of Historical Figures

JFK’s Brain and Missing Body Parts of Historical Figures Remember when you were a kid and one of your goofy uncles was always trying to scare you by â€Å"stealing your nose† between his thumb and forefinger? While you quickly figured out your nose was safe, the phrase â€Å"until death do us part† takes on a whole new meaning for some very famous deceased people whose body parts have been oddly â€Å"relocated.† John F. Kennedy’s Vanishing Brain Since that horrible day in November 1963, controversies and conspiracy theories have swirled around the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Perhaps the most bizarre of these controversies involves things that happened during and after President Kennedy’s official autopsy. In 1978, the published findings of the congressional House Select Committee on Assassinations revealed that JFK’s brain had gone missing. While some doctors at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas testified that they had seen First Lady Jackie Kennedy holding a part of her husband’s brain, what happened to it remains unknown. However, it is documented that JFK’s brain was removed during the autopsy and placed in a stainless-steel box that was subsequently handed over to the Secret Service. The box remained locked in the White House until 1965, when JFK’s brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, ordered the box to be stored in the National Archives building. However, a National Archives inventory of medical evidence from the JFK autopsy conducted in 1966 showed no record of the box or the brain. Conspiracy theories regarding who stole JFK’s brain and why soon flew. Released in 1964, the Warren Commission report stated that Kennedy had been struck by two bullets fired from the rear by Lee Harvey Oswald. One bullet reportedly went through his neck, while the other struck the back of his skull, leaving bits of brain, bone, and skin scattered about the presidential limousine. Some conspiracy theorists suggested that the brain was stolen in order to hide proof that Kennedy had been shot from the front, rather than from behind - and by someone other than Oswald. More recently, in his 2014 book, End of Days: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, author James Swanson suggests that the president’s brain had been taken by his younger brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, â€Å"perhaps to conceal evidence of the true extent of President Kennedys illnesses, or perhaps to conceal evidence of the number of medications that President Kennedy was taking.† Still, others suggest the much less glamorous possibility that the remains of the president’s brain simply got lost somewhere in the fog of confusion and bureaucracy that followed the assassination. Since the last batch of declassified official JFK assassination records released on Nov. 9, 2017, shed no light on the mystery, the whereabouts of JFK’s brain remains unknown today. The Secrets of Einsteins Brain The brains of powerful, intelligent, and talented people like JFK have long been favorite targets of â€Å"collectors† who believe a study of the organs might reveal the secrets of their former owners’ success. Sensing that his brain was somehow â€Å"different,† super-genius physicist Albert Einstein had occasionally expressed his wishes to have his body donated to science. However, the creator of the groundbreaking theory of relativity never bothered to write down his wishes. After he died in 1955, Einstein’s family directed that he - meaning all of him - be cremated. However, Dr. Thomas Harvey, the pathologist who performed the autopsy, decided to remove Albert’s brain before releasing his body to the undertakers. Much to the displeasure of the genius’ loved ones, Dr. Harvey stored Einstein’s brain in his home for nearly 30 years, rather unceremoniously, preserved in two plain Mason jars. The rest of Einstein’s body was cremated, with his ashes scattered in secret locations. After Dr. Harvey’s death in 2010, the remains of Einstein’s brain were transferred to the National Museum of Health and Medicine near Washington, D.C. Since then, 46 thin slices of the brain have been mounted on microscope slides displayed at the Mà ¼tter Museum in Philadelphia. Napoleon’s Man Part After conquering most of Europe, diminutive French military genius and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile on May 5, 1821. During an autopsy done the next day, Napoleon’s heart, stomach, and other â€Å"vital organs† were removed from his body. While several people witnessed the procedure, one of them reportedly decided to leave with some souvenirs. In 1916, heirs of Napoleons chaplain, Abbà © Ange Vignali, sold a collection of Napoleonic artifacts, including what they claimed to be the emperor’s penis. Whether actually part of Napoleon or not - or even a penis at all - the manly artifact changed hands several times over the years. Finally, in 1977, the item believed to be Napoleon’s penis was sold at auction to leading American urologist John J. Lattimer. While modern forensic tests conducted on the artifact confirm that it is a human penis, whether it was ever really attached to Napoleon remains unknown. John Wilkes Booths Neck Bones or Not? While he might have been an accomplished assassin, John Wilkes Booth was a lousy escape artist. Not only did he break his leg just after murdering President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, just 12 days later, he was shot in the neck and killed in a barn in Port Royal, Virginia. During the autopsy, Booth’s third, fourth, and fifth vertebrae were removed in an attempt to find the bullet. Today, the remains of Booth’s spine are preserved and often displayed at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C. According to government assassination reports, Booth’s body was eventually released to the family and buried in an unmarked grave in a family plot at Baltimore’s Green Mount Cemetery in 1869. Since then, however, conspiracy theorists have suggested that it was not Booth who was killed in that Port Royal barn or buried in that Green Mount grave. One popular theory contends Booth escaped justice for 38 years, living until 1903, supposedly committing suicide in Oklahoma. In 1995, Booth’s descendants filed a court request to have the body buried at Green Mount Cemetery exhumed in hopes that it could be identified as their infamous relative or not. Despite having the support of the Smithsonian Institution, the judge denied the request citing previous water damage to the burial plot, evidence that other family members had been buried there, and publicity from the â€Å"less than convincing escape/cover-up theory.† Today, however, the mystery might be solved by comparing DNA from Booth’s brother Edwin to the autopsy bones in the National Museum of Health and Medicine. However, in 2013, the museum denied a request for a DNA test. In a letter to Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen, who had helped craft the request, the museum stated, â€Å"the need to preserve these bones for future generations compels us to decline the destructive test.† The Salvaging of Stonewall Jacksons Left Arm As Union bullets zipped around him, Confederate General Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson would famously sit â€Å"like a stone wall† astride his horse during the Civil War. However, Jackson’s luck or bravery let him down during the 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville, when a bullet accidentally fired by one of his own Confederate riflemen ripped through his left arm. In what was the common practice of early battlefield trauma treatment, surgeons amputated Jackson’s tattered arm. As the arm was about to be unceremoniously thrown onto a pile of similarly amputated limbs, military chaplain Rev. B. Tucker Lacy decided to save it. As Chancellorsville Park ranger Chuck Young tells visitors, â€Å"Remembering that Jackson was the rock star of 1863, everybody knew who Stonewall was, and to have his arm just simply thrown on the scrap pile with the other arms, Rev. Lacy couldnt let that happen.† Just eight days after his arm was amputated, Jackson died of pneumonia. Today, while most of Jackson’s body is buried at the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery in Lexington, Virginia, his left arm is entered in a private cemetery at Ellwood Manor, not far from the field hospital where it was amputated. The Travels of Oliver Cromwells Head Oliver Cromwell, the sternly Puritan Lord Protector of England, whose parliamentary or â€Å"Godly† party tried to ban Christmas in the 1640s, was far from a wild and crazy guy. But after he died in 1658, his head really got around. Starting as a Member of Parliament during  the reign of King Charles I (1600-1649), Cromwell fought against the king during the English Civil War, taking over as Lord Protector after Charles was beheaded for high treason. Cromwell died at age 59 in 1658 from an infection in his urinary tract or kidneys. Following an autopsy, his body was then buried - temporarily - in Westminster Abbey. In 1660, King Charles II - who had been exiled by Cromwell and his cronies - ordered Cromwell’s head placed on a spike in Westminster Hall as a warning to potential usurpers. The rest of Cromwell was hanged and re-buried in an unmarked grave. After 20 years on the spike, Cromwell’s head circulated around small London area museums until 1814, when it was sold to a private collector named Henry Wilkinson. According to reports and rumors, Wilkerson often took the head to parties, using it as a historic - though rather grizzly - conversation-starter. The Puritan leader’s party days finally ended for good in 1960, when his head was permanently buried in the chapel at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Consider the role and influence shop stewards and union activists in Essay

Consider the role and influence shop stewards and union activists in Contemporary UK industrial relations - Essay Example In the large industrial plants, where lots of members of different unions had been employed, there it was found that at least twenty stewards were representing various departments (Glascott, 19710). Salamon’s statement is also vital in this respect. He stated â€Å"The role tended to move away from being a passive guardian of the union’s collective agreements negotiated at the national level to one of direct negotiations with management.† The phrase refers to the British Winter of 1978-79. After 1926, this period has been marked as the largest stoppage of labour due to the widespread strikes. A horrible condition prevailed in the country at that time as there was a shortage of food. It had a great social and political impact. It led to declining influence of the trade union. The membership of trade union was halved. This period caused rise of ‘Militant Tendency’. The manufacturing base of the Britain has been badly affected. During this period, the base of the old labour force had reduced and a new workforce was building up (Conservapedia, n.d.). The origin of the existence of the trade unions can be traced to the eighteenth century. During the period, a rapid expansion took place in the industrial society. Because of such changes, lots of women, rural workers and children had been involved in the workforce. Most of them were un-skilled or semi-skilled labor. This pool of labors spontaneously organized and at the later stage developed and founded trade unions. According to Smith, unions were not legal in most of the countries. For attempting to organize and develop unions, the leaders faced severe penalties. In spite of this, the unions were formed to acquire political powers. It resulted in body of labor law which not only codified the association between the employees and employers but also legalized the organizing effort. In this respect it is necessary to mention that the Universal Declaration of Human

Friday, October 18, 2019

Further Exploration Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Further Exploration Study - Essay Example The story of Michelle Dumaresq in Karen Duthie’s 100 Percent Woman puts forward a counterattack to the ‘concept of level’ between a man and a woman. Not only is the documentary a portrayal of prejudice against the ‘third sex’ but also against women; the worse idea presented, being the fact that women themselves stoke the incessant issue on women empowerment. 100 Percent Woman Canadian mountain bike racer, Michelle Dumaresq is a post-operative transgender who only started racing with women six years after undergoing sex reassignment surgery (SRS) in 1996 when the International Cycling Union and the Canadian Cycling Association granted her request to race as a female. Her first professional race placed her third on the first week and first, on the second week, winning her a trip for the European Championships where she only finished 24th of 39 women (Byers). Growing up, Dumaresq has always been into riding and racing. However, instead of her hard work a s a biker, it was her transition from being male at birth to a female who competes against women in sports that contributed greatly to her ‘popularity’ locally and internationally. ... Dumaresq had been undergoing hormonal therapy to increase her estrogen levels and decrease testosterone levels. According to a study conducted by De Cuypere et al., â€Å"transgendered MTF who have been treated with estrogen continuously had total testosterone levels within the normal female range† (679). Besides having a heart of a woman, scientifically speaking, Dumaresq is a woman through technological means; but a woman nonetheless. On the other hand, it is only reasonable for Dumaresq’s competitors to protest since growing up and living in a preconditioned society makes it hard to be non-conformist and different; and that these factors are not easy to ignore. However, the bottom line is that people need to be liberated of transgender cases. Another point that can be drawn from this is that there are no technical measures to delineate the standard differences between a man and a woman. All these are social constructions of concepts. In so saying, there are no irrefu table truths to such end. While there are indeed some biological differences (York), there are women who run faster or more muscular than some men and/or women who cannot conceive an offspring (Boylan). Should there be standard measures, then this unfair competitive edge that Dumaresq should be possessing could have been translated into constant wins in different competitions. Dumaresq was 18 years old when she decided to undergo surgery but only five years old when she concluded she is not one of the boys (Byers). Homosexuality is how people define this â€Å"disorder.† Some scientists (most of them are homosexuals themselves) argue that it is genetic. However, there is surmounting

Integration of Financial and Operational Management Essay

Integration of Financial and Operational Management - Essay Example Dell has committed itself to operate in a way that would not only achieve excellence in operations but also benefit the company financially and would result in satisfied customers. Because of its commitment to constant improvement the company installed the direct selling method where JIT system and lean production were adopted which improved company’s efficiency and effectiveness in many areas. On the other hand the company used the rapidly growing IT technology well by working on customer focused ordering system which enable them to design their own product, which resulted in much satisfied customers and zero inventory level. Zero inventory level was further implemented by changes in the supply chain and integration of the entire company’s operations into the supply chain. Through redesigning of systems and process, Dell is able to become the most efficient PC manufacturers in the world. However, it should be noted that although Dell has installed a system which serves as a benchmark for many manufacturing companies, Dell still needs to focus on few areas which if not attended can turn out to be bigger operational issues in the future. Introduction: Dell is one of the largest American multinational company which deals in selling and supporting computers and related products and services. The company is involved in selling, manufacturing and distribution of high technological products like PCs, servers, data storage devices, printers, cameras, HDTVs soft wares etc. Dell is the third largest IT Company of the world and faces close competition from its competitors HP (Hewlett Packard), Acer, Apple, and Lenovo etc. Managerial Challenges: Dell has been in business for over 28 years. Since its inception, Dell has faced many operational and financial difficulties and has adopted numerous strategies to overcome its challenges and restore its profitability. Dell’s operational strategy since its early days had been to use interchangeable parts to pr oduce goods of mass-production at lowest possible prices. However, due to rapid increase in the demand of technology, globalization, new and evolving market trends and technological demands the company faced operational challenges in many fields. Excessive and Obsolete Inventory: Dell had faced numerous problems in the early stages; the company in its early stages expanded into traditional retail channels which it stopped later on due to heavy obsolete inventory and thin margins in the business. Later on in 1990 the company faced another operational issue of excess component inventory and abandonment of production line. This caused heavy losses to the company despite of doubling sales during the period. The major problem that Dell faced at that time was the excessive inventory along with the prevailing recession made it report a huge loss of $36 millions in 1994. (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt. 2012) Dell struggled with great difficulties in inventory management area as it used the trad itional manufacturing ordering system by ordering components in advance on the forecast basis and if the forecast went wrong the company had major write-downs. (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt. 2012) Changing Customer’s Demands: The technological business is a rapidly changing business where the introduction of a new technology can cause heavy losses. Dell’s main concern was about the inventory in hand that became obsolete due

Maritime Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Maritime Logistics - Essay Example The second chapter deals exclusively on the group’s supply chain by analysing the process and practices with key supply chain issues that affect the top and bottom line of the company. It also discusses about the drivers that maintain the group’s competitiveness in three key dimensions such as – quality, cost and time. The subsequent chapter explains about the realm of maritime logistics delving deep into how the maritime process can be seamlessly integrated into the logistic and supply chain system of a business. At the end it discusses how the group can leverage on maritime logistics and minimise certain endemic supply-chain issues such as the bullwhip effect. The ArcelorMittal, the world’s number one steel company with over 32000 employeesi and presence in over 60 countries and is a truly global steel maker. It is a market leader in all the global steel markets such as automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging. The group holds sizable captive supplies of raw materials and operates a huge distribution network throughout the globeii. With revenue of $124.9 billion and crude steel production of 103.3 million tonnes, it represents almost 10 percent of the global steel outputiii. ArcelorMittal’s chief operations include providing ‘steel solutions and services’. The group operates in more than 500 centres and 32 countries, providing to approximately 200,000 customers a full portfolio of flat and long products, tubes and stainless steel; adding value through further processing and providing technical, engineering and consultancy supportiv. A detailed list of products is placed at the appendix to this reportv. The group through its integrated business model operates in the entire hierarchy of the business from mining and sourcing of raw materials to managing a mammoth mobilisation network that transports the raw materials to the factory location, followed by designing and manufacturing

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management - questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Management - questions - Essay Example Going by globalization, consumers do have access to a wider range of goods and services. Globalization allows the MNCs and countries to produce goods at most competitive prices by allowing for the usage of inputs from diverse sources. Globalization also enables the nations and MNCs to have access to wider markets. In an international context, globalization ushers in harmony and coexistence amongst varied nations. It allows the businesses, inventors and entrepreneurs to access much greater opportunities for manufacturing and investment. Globalization allows for the management of business fluctuations like the rise in the prices of food items in any country by making way for the pooling of production from diverse sources. Yet, this in no way means that globalization has everything good associated with it. Globalization also has its disadvantages. Considering the fact that globalization allows for a sharing of markets and resources, this may lead to the stifling of growth and developmen t in the undeveloped nations or small local companies by more developed nations or stronger MNCs. Globalization has also allowed for the integration of world markets. A direct consequence of this is the spreading of economic fluctuations in one country to the other countries and economies dependant on it. For instance, the recent housing bubble bust and the ensuing recession in the USA soon spread to Europe and many developing Asian economies. In a pragmatic context, as globalization involves exchange of people and resources amongst nations, it could lead to a spread of communicable diseases and pests from one nation to other. The mad cow epidemic in Europe soon impacted the beef consumption around the world, thereby impacting the beef producers at a global level. Globalization has made the markets more competitive. Hence, the big MNCs having ample resources at their disposal may suppress the rise of smaller local companies. Globalization is a process allowing the sharing of resourc es, technologies, cultures and ideas and hence it has its merits and demerits. 2. The advantages and disadvantages of centralized and customized decision making are to a great extent dependant on the organizational structure of an institution or organization and the qualities inherent in it. In a centralized organization, it is the top managers who take all the important decisions without soliciting any inputs from below. Centralized decision making is mostly opted for by such companies who wish to consolidate the power and decision making at the top level. Companies opt for centralized decision making owing to varied reasons. For instance if the CEO of a specific company harbors a specific visions and intends to keep it pure and in consonance with one’s perceptions, one will centralize the decision making functions so as to retain as much control over the company as possible. Vatican is an apt example of an institution that is given to centralized decision making. Centralize d decision making also helps the companies that are facing a crisis and hence desire to be led by one decision making source to ensure stability. However, centralized decision making is of little advantage in a company which has a smart and diversified work force and that operates in multiple markets. As in a centralized decision making framework, the entire power is consolidated with the top management, this could jeopardize the stability of a company if the top management fails owing to losing touch with the ground realities. In

Baltimore-City Evaluation Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Baltimore-City Evaluation - Research Paper Example Climate was perfect for agriculture, forest area was large and spacious and the Countryside proved to be very fertile. Baltimore County was first gifted in 1632 by England’s King to George Calvert and the name Baltimore County was adopted in 1639 (City-Data, 2009). The town of Baltimore became established in 1656, primarily due to the booming tobacco industry and the dependence of local economy of tobacco. Baltimore’s has had its share of ups and downs, milling flour and grain, which was affected greatly by the revolutionary war. Being the site of the first public railroad in 1828 Baltimore became connected to the rest of the country, remaining impartial for the most part during the civil war acting as a military depot ;despite Maryland belonging to the Union. The city was able to remain prosperous in World War II as well, being a military supply center and escaped World War I unscathed. Physical Site Baltimore city’s topography is characterized primarily by stre ams and capes, though there are 7 bays, an island, lake, summit and spring (Maryland Hometown Locator, 2012). Baltimore city is actually lies within the coastal plain of the Atlantic and the Piedmont Plateau. Stream valleys run through the almost level uplands (Baltimore Ecosystem Study, 2012). Surrounded nearly completely by the County of Baltimore, waterfront property is available with regional choice property being waterfront and the more distressed property being located further away from the waterfront. Baltimore’s down town area consists of City Center, Inner Harbor, west Side and Camden yards. Inner Harbor allows you easy access to the National Museum and Camden Yards is home to the architecturally acclaimed stadium of the Baltimore Orioles, while the Baltimore Ravens play at M and T Bank Stadium, which is down town with a mile of Inner Harbor. Though not considered downtown Curtis Bay allows the distinct opportunity to experience the feel of historical military sites as Fort Armistead and Battery Irons (Maryland Hometown Locator, 2012). Other recreational opportunities the city provides are multiple shopping venues, fine dining and unique restaurants such as the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, and multiple parks and natural settings are almost always in close distance (City of Baltimore, 2012). Because Baltimore has a variety of unique entertainment opportunities, allows those who enjoy the water easy access in many locations and is home to many historical sites I rated Baltimore’s physical characteristics an 8. This was primarily due to the fact that Baltimore seems heavily focused on Adult with fewer attractions geared towards children. Street Morphology Downtown Baltimore’s streets follow a grid pattern though their development is suited to the organic nature of the surroundings, located around Inner Harbor. Breaks or deviations in the grid are found around the Harbor as well as numerous parks and natural greenery is located surround ing much of the Harbor. Inlets disrupt the grid and Harbor Bridge walk connects these busy areas which contain the Baltimore World Center and the national Aquarium (Visit Baltimore, 2012). The streets attempt at a Baroque pattern is evidenced around Camden Yards Oriole Park and M and T Bank Stadium though their concepts remain grid in nature major streets do intersect around these large

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management - questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Management - questions - Essay Example Going by globalization, consumers do have access to a wider range of goods and services. Globalization allows the MNCs and countries to produce goods at most competitive prices by allowing for the usage of inputs from diverse sources. Globalization also enables the nations and MNCs to have access to wider markets. In an international context, globalization ushers in harmony and coexistence amongst varied nations. It allows the businesses, inventors and entrepreneurs to access much greater opportunities for manufacturing and investment. Globalization allows for the management of business fluctuations like the rise in the prices of food items in any country by making way for the pooling of production from diverse sources. Yet, this in no way means that globalization has everything good associated with it. Globalization also has its disadvantages. Considering the fact that globalization allows for a sharing of markets and resources, this may lead to the stifling of growth and developmen t in the undeveloped nations or small local companies by more developed nations or stronger MNCs. Globalization has also allowed for the integration of world markets. A direct consequence of this is the spreading of economic fluctuations in one country to the other countries and economies dependant on it. For instance, the recent housing bubble bust and the ensuing recession in the USA soon spread to Europe and many developing Asian economies. In a pragmatic context, as globalization involves exchange of people and resources amongst nations, it could lead to a spread of communicable diseases and pests from one nation to other. The mad cow epidemic in Europe soon impacted the beef consumption around the world, thereby impacting the beef producers at a global level. Globalization has made the markets more competitive. Hence, the big MNCs having ample resources at their disposal may suppress the rise of smaller local companies. Globalization is a process allowing the sharing of resourc es, technologies, cultures and ideas and hence it has its merits and demerits. 2. The advantages and disadvantages of centralized and customized decision making are to a great extent dependant on the organizational structure of an institution or organization and the qualities inherent in it. In a centralized organization, it is the top managers who take all the important decisions without soliciting any inputs from below. Centralized decision making is mostly opted for by such companies who wish to consolidate the power and decision making at the top level. Companies opt for centralized decision making owing to varied reasons. For instance if the CEO of a specific company harbors a specific visions and intends to keep it pure and in consonance with one’s perceptions, one will centralize the decision making functions so as to retain as much control over the company as possible. Vatican is an apt example of an institution that is given to centralized decision making. Centralize d decision making also helps the companies that are facing a crisis and hence desire to be led by one decision making source to ensure stability. However, centralized decision making is of little advantage in a company which has a smart and diversified work force and that operates in multiple markets. As in a centralized decision making framework, the entire power is consolidated with the top management, this could jeopardize the stability of a company if the top management fails owing to losing touch with the ground realities. In

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Criminal investigation Term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Criminal investigation Term - Essay Example Despite the benefits of fire, the disadvantages include atmospheric pollution, hazard to living organisms, soil erosion, and water contamination among others. Fire can obliterate one’s house and the entire belongings within an hour or even destroy a large forest and thus, reducing it to a pile of cinders as well as charred wood. Owing to the magnitude of the effects of a fire, there is a need for a thorough analysis and enlightenment on the causes of such destructive fires, the burn indicators, fire setting, and mechanisms of initiating fire, establishing the motives of the arsonists as well as means of locating the suspects. One of the first steps in an arson investigation is to determine not only where the fire originated but also how it started. The importance of pin pointing the origin of the fire allows investigators to more accurately determine whether foul play was involved or if the fire simply started by accident. A certain level of heat and some type of combustible material, which will combust at a given temperature, is needed to create a fire (Swanson, Chamelin, Territo, & Taylor, 2009). If the fire is accidental it could have started for many reasons to include a faulty electrical system, negligent smokers who fall asleep or leave their cigarette burning unattended, and the ever popular space heaters that are normally electrically powered will create enough heat or short out, thus creating a fire. In addition, an accidental fire could occur due to spontaneous combustion. Take for example, linseed oil. This oil is normally purchased as a widely used stain and sealant and can be quite combustible. If in a concentrated form, on something as basic as a rag that was used for staining some furniture, the evaporation caused by the oxidation of the oil creates enough heat to spontaneously combust (William, 2003). This could happen over the course of a couple hours, days, or even weeks

Monday, October 14, 2019

Why Is Effective Communication Important?

Why Is Effective Communication Important? Introduction: Effective workplace communication skills are among the skills we assume every worker picked up along the way. The problem is that not all the communication skills and habits we picked up at home, in school or social circles are appropriate in the workplace. Some people would be fired immediately if they communicated in the workplace the way they do at home or among friends. Understanding how to speak, write and manage your nonverbal messages is critical to your success at work. As you will discover from a few surveys we will review, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, Human Resource Managers, and other business leaders rate communication skills highest among the skills needed to advance in the workplace. Written by Peter Adebi, organization development expert, leadership coach, and human resource consultant, this seminar, Achieving Optimal Workplace Success through Effective Communication, is designed to help you acquire the skills you need to be an effective communicator. What is Communication? Communication is simply the sending of a message to another person. The person sending the message first needs to formulate the message in his head. This involves determining the meaning that the sender intends to convey to the other person. To formulate the meaning of the message, the sender usually draws upon his background attitudes, perceptions, emotions, opinions, education, and experience.   The message is then sent to the listener through both verbal talking and non-verbal gestures. The person receiving this message then interprets its meaning. To do this, the listener uses his background, attitudes, perceptions, emotions, opinions, education, and experience.   Effective communication exists between two persons when the person receiving the message interprets it in the same way as the sender intended it. Sounds really simple doesnt it? Well, it can be. Communication is essential for achieving managerial and organizational effectiveness. Without communication, employees will not be able to aware of what their co-workers are doing, will not have any idea about what their goal are, and will not be able to assess their performance. In absence of channels of communication, supervisors will not be able to give instruction to their subordinates and management will not receive the information it requires to develop plans and take decision. Good communication always helps employees become more involve in their work and helps them to develop a better understanding of their jobs. Clear, precise and timely communication of information also prevents the occurrence of organizational problems. Effective communication is essential for achieving organizational goals, but ensuring such communication has been a major problem for most organization. Although the word communication is often used, there has been no consensus among communication experts regarding the definition of communication. In general, communication may be defined as the process by which the information is exchanged between individuals. There are many components to communication. Consider verbal communication skills, listening skills, written memorandums/email, telephone skills and non-verbal communication. Also, reflect upon all the people we communicate to: subordinates, peers, supervisors, customers, and groups of people. In addition, ponder some of the reasons, why we communicate: to get and give information, to discipline subordinates, to make assignments, and so on.   Why is Effective Communication Important? We already know that communication is a big part of our daily existence. Even when we dont want to communicate, the very actions we take not to communicate such as being quiet in meetings, avoiding people, declining to respond to emails or give feedback, communicate something about us. In a survey of 480 companies and organizations conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers and published in the Wall Street Journal, effective communication ability ranked first among the desirable personal qualities of future employees. reference: December 29, 1998. Wall Street Journal, Work Week, p. A1. In a national survey of 1000 human resource managers, oral communication skills are identified as valuable for both obtaining employment and successful job performance. reference: Winsor, et al., 1997    In yet another survey, executives in Fortune 500 companies indicate that college students need better communication skills, as well as the ability to work in teams and with people from diverse backgrounds (Association Trends, 1997). The point of these examples is that honing your communication skills should be a priority for you as you seek to advance in the workplace. Research Although many articles and books have dealt with interpersonal and organizational communication, most of them are not based on systematic research findings. However, the Real Managers Study (conducted by Fed Luthan, Richard M. Hodgetts and Stuart A.Rosenkrantz) is based on original research in communication. The researches observe managers at work in various organizational setting and also studies the self reports submitted by them to understand the process of communication in organization. They developed the managerial communication model to explain the different style of communication used by the managers and to provide a framework for understanding how managers communicate in organization. Henri Fayols Contribution to Communication In formal organizations, the design of communication channels is based on the assumption that all the divisions and departments are self contained and do not facilitate communication among employees at the same level. This poses the serious problem when circumstances demand such communication. If an individual wants to convey some message to an individual from another department, the message has to be passed up to the highest managerial level and then down to the individual. The reply from that individual is also received in a similar way, leading to huge delays. Chester Barnards Contribution Chester Barnard felt that communication played an important role in shaping organizations. According to him, Communication forms one of the three primary elements of an organization, the common goals and willingness to serve customers beings the other two elements. Communication links the number of the members of an organization with organizations goal and facilitates and enhances cooperative action among the individual and department of the organization. Communication whether written or oral, helps an organization attain its golas, but it can also give rise to problems. For instance, if a particular message is misinterpreted, an inappropriate decision may be taken. This decision may be taken. This decision may result in losses to the organization in long-run. Barnard related communication to the concept of authority. According to him, for authority to be delegated from a manager to sub ordinate, all communication originating from the manager must be clearly understood by the subordinate. He believed that a manager should try to understand the meaning of the message before communicating it to his subordinates. Barnards indentifies seven communication factors that helps establish and maintain objectives authority in an organization. The member of an organization should be aware of all the available channels of communication. Every member of organization must have access to specific formal channel of communication. Communication with an organization must follow the shortest and most direct path. All communication should involve the use of entire, formal line of communication. Competent persons should serve as communication centers. There should be no interruption in the time of communication during the functioning of an organization, and All communication should be authenticated. Who is Responsible for Communicating Effectively? Managers share the responsibility in communicating effectively with the individual employees themselves. The manager is 100% responsible for communicating effectively with their employees. This includes establishing an open and trusting climate for communication, as well as demonstrating good communication techniques to their employees. The employee is 100% responsible for taking advantage of the climate for communication to express what is important and relevant. For example, it is expected that a manager will ask are there any questions? after giving an employee an assignment, but it is also expected that an employee will say, I have a question, if one should occur to the employee, without waiting for the manager to ask.   The following communication is useful for organizational communication. Non verbal communication Downwards communication Upward communication Lateral communication Interactive communication Barriers to Effective Communication A number of obstacle may restrict the receivers understanding of a message. These interruption act as barriers to communication, which may totally prevent communication, or delete a aprt of the message, or convey the wrong meaning. Some of the barriers to effective communication are discuss below. Filtering: This refers to the manipulation of information by the sender so as to obtain a favorable opinion from the receiver about the project in which there is significant progress but does not inform him of the project that are lagging behind. Selective perception: A person perceives information on the basis of his needs, values, experience and background. His personal interest and expectation influence the way he decodes information. For instances, if an interviewer believes that women give more priority to their family than their professional career, he is likely to perceive this Characteristics in all female applicants, regardless of whether the applicants feel that way or not. Defensiveness: People intentionally attempt to block communication when they feel that other person is threatening their self image and prestige. They react in a defensive manner by the making sarcastic comments, by the passing judgment on the others, ot by questioning the motives of the other party. This type of defensive behavior impedes effective communication. Language: As per our first assignment, an organization has different kind of people from different cultures. In such cases language is one of the important factor for communication towards different cultural people. Because each employee may have a different meaning or pronunciation for the same word. The business units of a company operating in different geographical territories may also use terms and phrases in a unique way. Hence, the sender has to modify the style of communication depending on the people he is addressing (workers, clients or business partners).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Byzantium: faith and power 1261 - 1557 :: essays research papers

Byzantium – the state which has brought in the big contribution to development of culture to Europe of middle ages. Here the Christianity for the first time became an official religion. Christianity affected the Byzantine art. In Byzantine art the main subject of paintings – icons (Greek – image) were holy figures: Christ, the Virgin Mary, the saints, and the apostles. One of the most famous is icon with Archangel Gabriel, Byzantine (Constantinople or Sinai?), 13th century. There is the exhibition devoted to the art of Byzantine civilization at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The exhibition begins in 1261, when the capital Constantinople was restored to imperial rule, and concludes in 1557. It is last period of existence of Byzantium and time of last blossoming of its culture. One of the great example of Byzantine icons is Two-Sided Icon with the Virgin Pafsolype and Feast Scenes and the Crucifixion and Prophets, Byzantine (Constantinople) second half of the 14th century. On the observe side there is the picture of the Virgin and Child surrounded by ten feast scenes. At the upper left corner we can see Archangel Gabriel tells to the Virgin that she will have a Child. The last scene is the death of the Virgin. On the reserve side we can see the Crucifixion of the Christ. Mother and apostle stand near Christ with a great sorrow on their faces. The other great icon from that epoch is icon with Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Scenes of her Passion and Martyrdom, Sinai, 13th century. The image of Saint Catherine also surrounded by twelve small scenes from her life. There are scenes of her imprisonment and torture, and we can see that angel never leaves her. The last scene is her beheading. If we look at this icon we can see that the Saint Catherine holds the cross on her hands; it means that she was murdered because of her faith in Christianity. She dressed as a royal person. The background of an icon symbolizes divine essence. For example, gold – Divine light, white – cleanliness of the Christ and light of his Divine, green -

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Mothers dream Essay -- essays research papers

A Mother's Dream For a lot children growing up, our mothers have been an complete part of what made us who we are. Mostly all good mothers want the best for their child and they are determine to do whatever it takes for them to get it. The central struggle in Amy Tan's story ‘‘Two Kinds'' is a battle of wills between the narrator, a young Chinese-American girl, and her mother, a Chinese immigrant. "Two Kinds'' is a coming-of-age story, in which the narrator, Jing-mei, struggles to forge her own sense of identity in the face of her strong-willed mother's dream that she become a "prodigy.'' Suyuan, Jing-mei's mother, believes in the American Dream. With hard work, she feels that Jing-Mei can be anything she wants to be in this great country. After all, Suyuan does not want her daughter to ever suffer the kind of deprivation and tragedies that she had to endure in China. But Jing-Mei has no desire to prove herself or excel in any field. She wants to take life as it comes. In her words, â€Å"I did not believe I could be anything I wanted to be. I could only be me† Tan (679). Since Suyuan believes that anything can be accomplished and she uses her daughter as her outlet to prove it. She continuously gives Jing-mei numerous test and eventually forces her to take piano lessons, which becomes Suyuan's prime focus of her 'perfect dau...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Negative Impacts

Industry production systems are unsustainable which can also have negative Impacts on environments. In response, there has been a rapid growth aimed at getting industry to â€Å"clean up its act†, because enforcement of the environment is growing up only slowly. In addition, the environmental and social performance of enterprises has Increasingly been used as a factor In deciding whether to do business with them, and this means that environmental demands are being made on enterprises.The methodology to be adopted will basically be with relevant, recognizing that they must adapt to the environmental demands made of heir products or of their manufacturing procedures, and to do this they need companies that can offer specialized services relating to the development of various management systems and products.The response to the problems outlined Lies In enabling output to continue to grow while minimizing growth in inputs of materials and energy, and they can support the establish ment of institutions meeting the standards in monitoring the development of environment related In affecting trade, identify gaps In normative laws and regulations and other policies which promote of Industry especially In the support yester by promoting the establishment of specialized enterprises in the 1 org knowledge and skills in enterprises to public-private partnerships in the environment field.Agile Noreen A. Bossily 2012103039 2 The view to the above mentioned, focuses on the paths to industrial development; efficient use of non-energy raw materials and of recycled industrial and non-industrial wastes; adoption of relevant products and technologies to meet environmental standards; adoption of environmental and related management systems with a view to entry into global value chains; and creation of businesses that an offer services. This concludes some challenges faced by some industries to properly utilize resources, which somehow gives opportunities. 4 Introduction ? Tabl e of Contents Definition of Industrial Development 2 Table of Contents 5 Main Body How Industrial Development Through the Years Affect How Industrial Development Made Life Easier Conclusion 11 References ? 12 4 Introduction The unsustainable patterns of industrial development may not have been appreciated until quite recently, it has been recognized since the start of the industrial revolution that enterprises can have obvious and visible impacts on their local communities and environments.As a response to these manifest health and environmental impacts, the last 40 years have seen an unparalleled growth in environmental matter. There has been a growing determination by different stakeholders in the developed countries to use the environmental and social performance of enterprises as a factor in deciding whether to do business with them. The first to feel this pressure are often the transitional corporations and other large companies, but they in turn are exerting a similar pressure on their suppliers. As a result of the globalization of trade, many of these are now located in developing countries.This paper explores in more detail these challenges and opportunities on how can enterprises in these countries become greener and shrink their environmental footprint, while at the same time continuing to grow and deliver goods, services and Jobs to their populations? What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization? Answers to these questions must take into account one overriding imperative: that industries need to grow. Industrial development is the only mechanism that will enable developing countries to reduce he level of poverty and hardship they face.This conclusion offers a strategy for the development aid community, which is designed to help developing countries bridge the gap between the present and the future. 6 Industrial development any development of an industrial nature. The industrial revolution led to the development of factories for la rge-scale production, with consequent changes in society. Originally the factories were steam-powered, but later transitioned to electricity once an electrical grid was developed. The mechanized assembly line was introduced to assemble arts in a repeatable fashion, with individual workers performing specific steps during the process.This led to significant increases in efficiency, lowering the cost of the end process. Later automation was increasingly used to replace human operators. This process has accelerated with the development of the computer and the robot. 7 How Economic Development Through the Years Affect the Environment The economic development through the years affected the environment by the increase in population, industrialization started, and the shortage of nonrenewable energy sources. The increase in population means that ore forest and rain forest will be destroyed to make more room for the people to live.Destroying rain forests are bad because forest alone produce s 40% of the world's oxygen. There are now a lot of industries around the world but even though there are so many, it is a big burden to the environment. The burning of gasoline and coal produces carbon dioxide that, over time, has settled in a layer in the earth's upper atmosphere. This creates a situation know as greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a situation in which an excess of carbon dioxide in the earth's upper atmosphere lets the sun's rays through but traps heat close to the earth's surface. Nonrenewable energy resources might run out.This might occur because of the increase and demand in oil which is the basic necessity we all use. We use oil for multiple proposes. Since industries use oil and coal a lot it will eventually pollute everything and will cause acid rain which pollutes the stream. These were some examples of how economic development can led to disasters for the environment. There might be a smudge of a change that this will not happen, but, it is guara nteed that those things would happen. Especially that global warming is already taking place. 8 How Industrial Development Made Life Easier?It would Just be unbearable to think that life would be better without the Industrial Revolution. All the inventions that were invented back then are used all the time. The inventions have greatly changed society. The light bulb was made to create light that would last for a long time and that could be used anywhere. In today's society, people just makes it easier to see anywhere whenever it's the daytime or night time. â€Å"Edition's eventual achievement was inventing not Just an incandescent electric light, but also an electric lighting system that contained all the elements necessary to make the incandescent light practical, safe, and economical. Before it was created, human beings had to use fire and now you're able to Just turn the light switch on and you automatically have whatever lighted. Louis Daggered invented the first camera Just t o capture things for memory. The camera was invented to capture a picture of anything you wanted to save as a memory. In today's world, people use the camera during many special occasions to remember that specific day. It helps a lot because so many people can enjoy or see what an occasion was like even if they weren't there by looking at the pictures.George Stephenson first attempted to create the first locomotive since others who tried failed. The locomotive was invented to try and succeed in an invention but lead to more better things. In today's society, we use the transportation for many reasons. We use it to haul cargo and 9 transport people to many places. â€Å"It was now that George Stephenson, about twenty years of age, set about the construction of his first locomotive. As we before stated, the want of good and skillful workmen was a great Arabica. Before it was invented, it was more difficult to transport anything to different locations. The period of the Industrial Rev olution greatly contributed to the world. It was a revolution which helped everyone in a positive way no matter what the situation was to them. Society became easier and less hard to live by having many inventions do our hard work for us. 10 Conclusion The Industrial development was a mixed blessing. It has its advantages and disadvantages; through this study I was able to appreciate the efforts of the inventors Just to make our life easier and more comfortable.Throughout those years everything were created and studied well, yet we were not able to see the needs of our environment while we were all happy inventing and making technologies as much as we want. The industries were able to brought countries and people together. There was an international awareness among people because developments in one country influenced the others, there were better transport, communications and mechanized goods made life comfortable for man. Unfortunately cities became crowded, smoky, with problems o f slums, housing, sanitation, accidents and epidemics.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Effects of Dota Game Among the Players

There are many students and even some young professionals that are addicted to DotA. This is one of the computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students. Many students get addicted to this game and they even spend long hours inside the computer shop just to play the game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why they are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are just using the money to rent a computer where they can play DotA with their classmates. Sometimes, in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game, so it already becomes a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer playing DotA games or cruising the Internet reaches to the point when it harms a child’s or adult’s family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person may be caught in a cycle of addiction. Like other addictions, DotA game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person’s emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the Internet. Time away from the computer or game causes moodiness or withdrawal. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails, that easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week on-line with the computer and will result to major disruptions from work, school, and in social life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A needs assess Gap Analysis on Kaiser Permanente Essay

Kaiser Permanente refers to healthcare consortium that offers prepaid Medicare services. Rising from humble beginnings in 1945, the non profit has flourished from a privately centered medical care to accommodate even the public. It was founded by physician R. Garfied and industrialist Henry Kaiser (Lawler, Boudreau, Mohrman, Mark, Neilson, & Osganian, 2006). The hospital has ridden over a hostile environment to become a leading non profit health institution providing services to over 9.1 million members. The institution has its headquarters in Oakland, California in the United States. Kaiser Permanente constitutes a trio of the Permanente Medical Groups, the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals as well as subsidiaries and the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Incorporation. Overall, the Kaiser Permanente Health Foundation had 7654 beds as at 31st December 2012 scattered over the District of Columbia and nine states in the U.S.A. The health plan membership totals to over 8.3 million. Still, the hospital maintains a sizeable labor force of about 11,000 physicians scattered in 415 medical offices and 30 medical centers. As at last year, the hospital’s operating revenues grossed $22.5 billion. The Kaiser Permanente Foundation operates on four major premises, namely: A physician team practice to realize maximum abilities to nurse and care for patients Prepaid health plans structured along spreading of costs to ensure affordability across the social classes Concentration on prevention of illness relative to caring for the patients A formally structured delivery system to hold as many services as it can hold under one roof (Lawler, Boudreau, Mohrman, Mark, Neilson, & Osganian, 2006). The following tabulation presents the membership of the foundation by region as at 31st December 2012 (Abelson, 2013). Region Membership Southern California 3,594,848 Northern California 3,403,871 Colorado 540,442 Northwest (Oregon /Washington) 484,349 Mid Atlantic States (MD, VA, DC) 481,755 Hawaii 224,591 The following tabulation showcases Kaiser Permanente Foundation local markets by each of eight regions (Abelson, 2013). Northern California Southern California Georgia Hawaii Mid Atlantic States Oregon/ Washington Central Valley Coachella Valley Atlanta Oahu Washington D.C Portland Diablo Kern Valley Athens Kauai Northern Virginia Salem East Bay Orange Valley Hawaii Suburban Maryland Vancouver, Wash Fresno Inland Empire Maui Baltimore Longview/ Kelso, Wash Greater Southern Alameda Metro Los Angeles/ West Los Angeles Marin/ Sonoma San Diego County Napa/ Solano Tri-Central Area Colorado Roseville Denver Sacramento Colorado Springs San Francisco Boulder San Jose Pueblo San Mateo Santa Clara South Sacramento It is evident from the above tabulation that Kaiser Permanente has a stronger presence in the urban areas in each of the nine states as compared to rural presence. Nonetheless, it is commendable on the foundation’s expansion to cover regions outside its core geographic markets (Lawler, Boudreau, Mohrman, Mark, Neilson, & Osganian, 2006). However, it is evident that the expansion trajectory seeks to serve the proximate markets. The Foundation has 38 hospitals, 611 medical offices and outpatient facilities, 16,942 physicians compri9sing of a blend of different specialties and 48,701 differently blended mixes of specialist nurses. Therefore, the foundation employs a total of 174,259 employees comprising of administrative, technical and clerical care givers and laborers as at 31st December 2013 (Abelson, 2013). The hospital maintains an online presence with a platform in which clients and employers manage their accounts. Online customer account services are offered freely meaning that the foundation does not charge. Member terminations as well as demographic changes are updated immediately. This gives the institution a competitive advantage over its rivals. Part II Needs Assessment/ Gap Analysis on Kaiser Permanente                      At present, Kaiser Permanente is criticized for failing to have facilities, resources or policies to conduct a number of services. Additionally, where critical services are offered, the facility features as lazy to act exposing the patients to delay in diagnosis. The hospital is often accused of prolonged diagnosis period preferring available formal diagnosis rather than recommending specialized and expensive diagnosis so as to contain costs. Furthermore, the institution prefers cheaper dispute resolution mechanism such as arbitration. This process may take prolonged time and has often sparkled criticism. For instance, Wilfredo Engalla succumbed to lung cancer five months after submitting an arbitration demand. Consequently, the Supreme Court of California awarded his spouse $500,000 as damages from Kaiser Permanente (Abelson, 2013). Still, The Huffington Post accuses the institution of overburdening its staff resulting to sloppy work (Lawler, Boudreau, Mohrman, Mark, Neilson, & Osganian, 2006). This occurs even when the company rackets billions of dollars in profits. Sadly, mental health patients contend with a prolonged wait for appointment at the institution’s California facility. Upon meeting the doctor, the meeting lasts briefly, therefore, receiving brief consultations. Finally, the patient ends up in a group therapy set up comprising of 20 members under the astute of a single clinician, in spite of a one on one clinician session (Eichler, 2011). The report concluded by showing the cuts in mental health funding. California led the pack by cutting the mental health budget by $177.4 million out of the $1.7 billion mental health budget cuts. Moreover, Kaiser is accused of understaffing its various departments in spite of an inflationary membership. For instance, mental health patients are sloppily rushed through the treatment and rehabilitation process resulting to dire implications. Rushing is necessary in order to serve the over 6.6 million members (Eichler, 2011). Cases of misdiagnosis as well as wrong diagnosis and treatment cases have been reported in which some were catastrophic resulting to deaths. Kaiser’s violations of rules and regulations in kidney transplant regulations led to closure of the program (Lawler, Boudreau, Mohrman, Mark, Neilson, & Osganian, 2006). An investigative report by the Los Angeles Times revealed Kaiser Permanente’s mismanagement across the board on 3rd May 2006 (Eichler, 2011). Apparently, the facility had operated 56 transplants the previous with an alarming death of 112 patients while waiting for the operation. Kaiser Permanente realized financial savings through the delays in transplants. Consequently, the institution announced discontinuation of the practice on 13th May 2006 (Eichler, 2011). Most of the employees at Kaiser Permanente are members of various labor unions although the Medicine Doctors as well as the Osteopathic Medicine Doctors share in the for profit profits of the institution (Lawler, Boudreau, Mohrman, Mark, Neilson, & Osganian, 2006). Surprisingly, the California facilities witnessed 4 major strikes between 2011 and 2012. There were over 20,000 participants drawn from the institution’s mental health providers, nurses and other specialists (Eichler, 2011). Labor Unions constantly accused Kaiser Permanente for stalling negations deliberately in spite of the huge profits and a hefty pay to the C.E.O. The workers grievances included delayed care, poor staffing, and loss of medical insurance, pensions as well as other benefits. Based on the above criticism, it is indeed true that a gap subsists between Kaiser’s current performance and the projected. This part addresses solutions to the criticism based on social, legal and culture. Firstly, the modern world is fast paced and Kaiser must accommodate fast pacing in service delivery (Lawler, Boudreau, Mohrman, Mark, Neilson, & Osganian, 2006). Employee staffing, training, recruitment, retention, job function redesign will help address friction with labor unions (Kochan, 2009). Besides, competitive and equitably pegged remuneration will motivate employees to offer quality services. Recruiting more employees will help address the ballooning membership. Besides, training of employees on cultural accommodations of different patients will enhance positive reviews to Kaiser Permanente. Finally, Kaiser must embrace a law abiding organizational culture. This will reduce arbitrative litigations. Moreover, taking up a less materialistic approach to delivering serv ices is a crucial social factor that will enhance closing of the performance gap. Implementation of these policies involves three pertinent stakeholders in Kaiser Permanente. These include the patient, the caregiver and the ownership of Kaiser. The patient is the key stakeholder as s/he identifies helps identifies areas of improvement. For instance, the patient directs services to be offered based on the common illnesses and ailments. The caregiver professional is a crucial link in implementing the services and building on a solid reputation of Kaiser Permanente. The motivation and remuneration of caregivers determine their delivery of medical services to the client. Adequate staffing ensures that clients do not feel rushed, delayed or misdiagnosed (Kochan, 2009). Finally, the ownership of the institution is crucial because it will spearhead implementation of the policies. It is pivotal because it will approve, reject or hold implementation of these recommendations. Besides, the ownership will provide resources to steer through the implementation process. Communic ation will be crucial to achieving the set objectives. Besides, it will fine tune synergy and course of direction. Communication to the stakeholders will involve internal and external communication channels. Periodic meetings will appraise the owners and caregivers on the progress of the implementation. Brochures will be distributed from time to time to the patients sensitizing and informing them of the progress. An evaluation process will then follow to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. Questionnaires will be administered to each of the three groups of stakeholders. The questionnaires will be structured to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention as well as requesting proposal for achieving further progresses. The intervention will deemed successful through satisfied and happy patient positive reviews from happily served, satisfied and recovered patients (Kochan, 2009). Besides, motivated, inspired and friendly caregiver labor force will signify a successful intervention. Higher earnings, more trophies and recognition of the institution in the public glare will foster a successful intervention to the owners. References Abelson, R. (2013, March 20). The Face of Future Health Care. Kaiser Permanente is seen as the future of healthcare. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/21/business/kaiser-permanente-is-seen-as-face-of-future-health-care.html?_r=0 Eichler, A. (2011, November 14). Kaiser Permanente Makes Billions In Profits While Overburdening Staff: Report. The Huffington Post. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/14/kaiser-permanente-overburden_n_1092694.html Kochan, T. A. (2009). Healing together the labor-management partnership at Kaiser Permanente. Ithaca: ILR Press/Cornell University Press. Lawler, E. E., Boudreau, J. W., Mohrman, S. A., Mark, A. Y., Neilson, B., & Osganian, N. (2006). Achieving strategic excellence: an assessment of human resource organizations. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press. Source document